Rates and Fees
The rates mentioned below, is payable regardless of whether the child actually attends the daycare on sick days and no-show days, as well as holidays that falls on a day during the week when care is regularly schedule. Payments can be made weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly.
Infant Rates (Birth - 2 yrs)
The full-time rate for Childcare is $50.00 a day for Infant, five hours or more. No Part-Time is available for this spot.
Toddlers/Pre-schooler (2-5 yrs)
Full-Time Rates for childcare is $45.00 a day for Toddlers/Pre-School age, five hours or more. Part-Time Rates is $38.00 for less than five hours.
School Age (6 yrs and up)
The Full-Time Rate for childcare is $40.00 a day for five hours or more. Part-Time Rate is $30.00 for before and after school or $10.00 per hour.
Registration Fee
A one time fee of $50.00 is charged at the time of registration.
Drop-In Rate
Drop-in rate is $60.00 a day and payment is due the same day at the time of drop-off or pick-up time.
Late Fee
A fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged for before or after the agreed drop-off or pick-up time.
Also, if you are late in making payments, a late fee of $35.00 will be charged. You must make arrangement with the Provider in advance.