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Child Illness and Medication

I realize it is hard to find someone to care for your child when he/she is ill. Please  try to line someone up in advance should this situation arise.If the child is exhibiting any of the following symptoms, he or she should be kept away from the other children for 24 hours.


  • A fever of 101 degree or higher

  • Diarrhea (three loose bowels within three hours or use your judgement).

  • Vomiting

  • Excessive runny nose/persistent hacking cough

  • Any contagious illness

When a child has had a contagious disease, a Doctor's note is needed for clearance before the child may return to daycare. Should the child begin to exhibit any of the above symptoms, the Provider may notify the Parent/Guardian and request an immediate pick-up of the child.This policy is implemented to ensure the safety and well-being of the other children in the daycare and the workers.

Health and Safety: Schedule
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